Build your stock portfolio/index/ETF based on proven investment indicators using our Factor investing software
Factor investing software
Factors are more commonly known as investment indicators, investment ratios or investment metrics.
You’ll get stocks best fitting your portfolio, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The Analytical Platform is a holistic cloud application that empowers you to find worthwhile indicators and manage your investment portfolio through them.

1. Stocks with the best/worst factor values
Get stock with the best/worst values regarding the desired indicator so you can build your optimal portfolio.
2. Factor strategy creation backtesting and live running
Create your strategy. Based on the statistically confident factors we provide you with advanced tools for portfolio management.
3. Statistical evulation of indicators
Find out which indicators influence the stock price. See the T-Stat, P-Value, and Signal Direction, and zoom onto the desired period.
4. Thousands of investment factors/indicators/ratios
Use the largest database of investment indicators for evaluating stocks.
Articles about factor investing and trending investment indicators
How to use the Factor investing app
How do portfolio managers use our Factor investing software
Portfolio Manager
I was looking for an index composed of high free cash flow US stocks. However, I discovered the Analytical Platform, which moreover allows me to apply my own rules. So I created my own “index”. I have been using their application ever since because I am able to set up leverage, a different number of stocks, and there is also a possibility of shorting my investment.
Financial Advisor
I have clients approaching me with portfolios that are pretty unbalanced. With the help of Factor investing software, I supplement client portfolios appropriately so that they work in most market conditions.
Maria, Management of own funds
I used to buy stocks with high Earnings per share value. This software made me realize that in the Covid-19/ cheap money period, it didn’t work.
Factors coverage (1000+)
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Current portfolio constituents
Portfolio adjustment alerts
S&P 100
S&P 100 and S&P 500
€ custom
Combinations of multiple markets, e.g. STOXX600+SP500.
Other markets (Indian market, …).
Custom universe (pick a few assets from anywhere, e.g. 2 German assets, 4 US from DOW Jones, 5 from Russell 3000, 3 from Japan).
New factors coverage in our database.
Factors coverage (1000+)
S&P 100
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Current portfolio constituents
Portfolio adjustment alerts
Factors coverage (1000+)
S&P 100 and S&P 500
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Portfolio adjustment alerts
€ custom
Factors coverage (1000+)
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Current portfolio constituents
Portfolio adjustment alerts
Combinations of multiple markets, e.g. STOXX600 + SP500.
Other markets (Indian market, …).
Custom universe (pick a few assets from anywhere, e.g. 2 German assets, 4 US from DOW Jones, 5 from Russell 3000, 3 from Japan).
New factors coverage in our database.
Prices are listed per user. Individual prices can be arranged for larger analytical teams. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Register today & enjoy one month
FREE trial of our application

Applications of factor strategies
As an investor, you have the option to setup exposure to non-market risk factors, rather than relying on returns associated with the broad market risk. Single-factor strategies provide building blocks for investors who want to change their risk profiles or diversify their portfolio by creating exposure to their chosen factor.
Building blocks
Prepare a well-diversified portfolio of single-factor strategies, each with specific factor exposure and automatic re-adjustments.
Factors benchmarking
Track factors performance, check against actively managed funds, and uncover correlations in excess returns with factor-driven returns.
Factor-based universe
A strategy tracking a specific factor, e.g. momentum, may serve as a custom universe for picking the best momentum stocks into portfolios under your management.
Investment product
An automatically rebalanced factor portfolio can be set up as a cost-effective licensed basis for structured investment products such as indices, ETFs, etc.
Factors research
Explore attributes that impact investment performance. Understand the drivers behind market returns and optimize portfolio strategies for enhanced risk-adjusted results.