Factor Investing Software

Factor Investing Software – Use forces that move stock prices

Predicting prices is notoriously difficult, especially for longer time frames.
Factor investing takes a different approach.
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    Factor Analysis – What is it

    Market Returns

    It’s based on the idea that an asset’s returns can be predicted using relationship between the asset’s expected return and a number of variables that capture systematic risk. Those variables are called factors and they cover company’s financials, trends, macroeconomic conditions, etc.

    It is a useful tool to identify securities that may be temporarily mispriced, before the market eventually corrects and securities move back to their fair value.

    The main task of factor analysis is to determine the distribution of factors in the current market.

    Factors are the driving forces behind the market price movements. They explain why company B is doing better than company A.

    If we can discover and quantify major factors on current market, we can determine their influence to each company on the market. Company with bigger exposure to factors that drives prices up will do better than others.

    Look for factors that are generally independent and uncorrelated with one another. Combining exposure to multiple factors can actually decrease the volatility of a portfolio even while increasing the return.

    We have been developing factor investing software that provides insight into the importance of factors that move stock prices. You can find more information about factor investing in our articles. We especially recommend the article Are Higher Earnings Always Better? Case Study from S&P 100 and the article In Factor Investing Even Best Can Lose – Data-Driven Insights into Factor-Based Analysis.

    Factor Investing – Articles

    Trending Factors for AI-powered stock analysis (TAOTS 5th Month of 2024)

    Greeting investors! Welcome to our Newsletter, in which we look at the Trending Factors from the fifth month of 2024. Factors are the building blocks for AI-powered stock market analysis, stock picking, and the creation of robust investment strategies.

    Trending Factors for AI-powered stock analysis (TAOTS 4th Month of 2024)

    Greeting investors! Welcome to our Newsletter, in which we look at the Trending Factors from the fourth month of 2024. Factors are the building blocks for AI-powered stock market analysis, stock picking, and the creation of robust investment strategies.

    Trending Factors for AI-powered stock analysis (TAOTS 3rd Month of 2024)

    Greeting investors! Welcome to our Newsletter, in which we look at the Trending Factors from the third month of 2024. Factors are the building blocks for AI-powered stock market analysis, stock picking, and the creation of robust investment strategies.

    Trending Factors for AI-powered stock analysis (TAOTS 2nd Month of 2024)

    Greeting investors! Welcome to our Newsletter, in which we look at the Trending Factors from the second month of 2024. Factors are the building blocks for AI-powered stock market analysis, stock picking, and the creation of robust investment strategies.

    Trending Factors for AI-powered stock analysis (TAOTS 1st Month of 2024)

    Greeting investors! Welcome to our second Newsletter in 2024, in which we take a look at the Trending Factors from the first month of 2024. Factors are the building blocks for AI-powered stock market analysis, stock picking, and creation of the robust investment strategies.

    Demonstration of enhancing stock portfolio performance with AI-powered investment models

    Many investment analysts have pre-selected stock titles that they trust in the long run, hold them in their portfolios, and adjust their weightings now and then. In today’s article, we will take a look at how to work effectively with your stock universe and achieve better performance by leveraging machine learning and AI-powered stock-picking models (Learn more in our article Stock Analysis with The Power of AI).