AI-powered investing software and portfolios
We specialize in the practical use of AI in financial markets
Gain higher alpha, lower beta, and flawless records of investment decisions
Analytical Platform is a web service enhancing the investment decision-making process. We are focused on research and development using artificial intelligence, data analytics, and machine learning in finance and investments.
We specialize in the use of artificial intelligence in the construction and management of investment portfolios. For this purpose, we have been developing our own investment software.
Our most powerful domain is the AI-powered multi-factor investment approach.
We will gladly provide you with our software or prepare a tailored solution. Feel free to contact us to discuss your portfolio management needs.
Jiří Fuchs, co-founder, Analytical Platform
Apps using AI in investing
AI can provide valuable insights and recommendations for investment opportunities, reducing investment risk and increasing the potential for higher returns.
Stock ranking
AI-powered model brings a list of stocks sorted from the most undervalued to the most overvalued.
Investment strategies
AI-powered investment strategies bring higher performance and minimize drawdowns.
Factor investing
Build your stock portfolio/index/ETF based on proven investment indicators.
Stock ranking
AI-powered model brings a list of stocks sorted from the most undervalued to the most overvalued.
Investment strategies
AI-powered investment strategies bring higher performance and minimize drawdowns.
Investing software automating well-known theories and styles
We algorithmize world famous investment strategies so that they are not only theory, but you can apply them in your investment practice.
Market sentiment
Staying informed on current financial news is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge.
Portfolio manager
The application brings into practise Markkowitz’s Nobel Prize-winning Modern Portfolio Theory.
Pattern trading
Building, backtesting and running pattern-based strategies. More than 70 chart patterns.
Market sentiment
Staying informed on current financial news is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge.
Portfolio manager
The application brings into practise Markkowitz’s Nobel Prize-winning Modern Portfolio Theory.
Pattern trading
Building, backtesting and running pattern-based strategies. More than 70 chart patterns.