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Trending investment indicators
The most profitable investment factor
The most earning factor (indicator) over the last week was PLUS DI 66. This is an indicator from the Momentum category, which quantifies upward movement.

Analysis of the indicator PLUS DI 66
Long-term Signal strength (T-Stat) is slightly below the generally accepted threshold (1.8298). Statistical confidence is significant (96.6003%). Signal direction is up, i.e. stocks with high value in the indicator outperform those with low value.
Stocks with the highest indicator value
In the calculation for November 2024, LMT (Lockheed Martin Corporation), PYPL (PayPal Holdings), and SBUX (Starbucks Corporation) have the highest factor value within the S&P 100 universe.
In the Factor investing app, you can find over 1,000 investment indicators and their values for all S&P 500 stocks.
Trending stocks
Due to a technical problem, we will not list the most trending stocks from a sentiment perspective today. We’re working hard to fix it.
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The article is based on Close data from November 18, 2024, the universe used is S&P 100.