Factors coverage (1000+)
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Current portfolio constituents
Portfolio adjustment alerts
S&P 100
S&P 100 and S&P 500
€ custom
Combinations of multiple markets, e.g. STOXX600+SP500.
Other markets (Indian market, …).
Custom universe (pick a few assets from anywhere, e.g. 2 German assets, 4 US from DOW Jones, 5 from Russell 3000, 3 from Japan).
New factors coverage in our database.
Factors coverage (1000+)
S&P 100
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Current portfolio constituents
Portfolio adjustment alerts
Factors coverage (1000+)
S&P 500
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Current portfolio constituents
Portfolio adjustment alerts
€ custom
Factors coverage (1000+)
Factor analysis
Investment strategy
Strategy backtesting
Past portfolio holdings
Real-time portfolio tracking
Current portfolio constituents
Portfolio adjustment alerts
Combinations of multiple markets, e.g. STOXX600 + SP500.
Other markets (Indian market, …).
Custom universe (pick a few assets from anywhere, e.g. 2 German assets, 4 US from DOW Jones, 5 from Russell 3000, 3 from Japan).
New factors coverage in our database.
Factors coverage (1000+)
The app provides over 1000 factors that drive the returns of assets and asset classes. The higher plan contains a wider universe which the factors are calculated for.
Factor analysis
It allows you to select the appropriate factor for a fitting portfolio construction. The feature delivers a detailed analysis of the selected factor, quantile performance, long-short portfolios, statistical significance of the factor, and other measures.
Investment strategy
Over the selected factor, you can build investment strategies, i.e. choose the number of stocks for the portfolio, determine the time horizon for rebalancing, hedge the portfolio, or use leverage in it.
Strategy backtesting
After setting the strategy parameters, you can see how it would have historically performed using 19 metrics.
Past portfolio holdings
Implementing a factor strategy means buying the highest loading stock for the selected factor. Explore what stocks you would have historically held in your portfolio.
Real-time portfolio tracking
Deploy the tested strategy and monitor its performance in real time. In the free plan, the actual stocks are not visible, you can only see their performance. In the paid plan, you can see the portfolio composition.
Current portfolio constituents
Displays the stocks to invest in with the highest loading today for the selected factor.
Portfolio adjustment alerts
Based on your strategy, settings, and the planned horizon for portfolio adjustment, we will alert you to adjust the portfolio to achieve the expected results.